June 14, 2024

Newsletter #297 - Liquidations & Fisticuffs

Hey Shitcoiners,

Oh boy, do we have another spicy newsletter for you. Liquidations, potential fisticuffs, celebrities and art. This edition delivers.

Let’s get into it. With BTC ~9.5% below all-time high and altcoins down a lot more, are you wishing you had listened to the top signals? At Shitcoin.com we are still bullish but some think the top was in.

It's all going to be okey.

If you believe we haven’t seen the best of this cycle then you should be excited by these prices. Don’t be a horse.

It feels like only yesterday that Mich was bailed out by the crypto elite when the 2023 Curve exploit made his positions unhealthy. This week, following the UwU hack, Mich would have a similar situation.

Rumours began to circulate that Mich was finally liquidated. What would happen to the mansions?

Send help.

But was this all a move to exit his position and still keep the community on side? Big if true.

With Mich’s positions too big for the Curve market, he had some work to do. Liquidated!

With the quality of memes flying around lately, it’s unclear whether the CRV meme is good enough for this cycle.

Imagine a DeFi staple having a market cap smaller Andrew Tate’s latest shitcoin?

Speaking of Tate, he got into it with Ansem. Some unsavoury words were said.

The shitposting continued, and looked like it would lead to an actual fight to settle this.

After Ansem’s performance in Dubai, he’s going to need all of the help he can get.

We will just leave this here.

Andrew Tate is an interesting character.


For some reason, every internet beef seems to end up with a fight these days. Austin Federa with the spice.

Anyway, back to Ansem. It turns out he doesn’t want to play golf or go on a plane with Caitlyn Jenner. This is awkward.

Iggy Azalea caused a stir last weekend as she called out Vitalik and his “gas tax”. What is Vitalik doing with the gas money guys?

What’s a gas?

Don’t be middle of the bell curve.

The crux of this is, if pump.fun existed on Ethereum, we could have been enjoying extremely long threads by ETH fan boys at this point.

The more you read, the more it makes sense.

Call your mother. Toly is in.

It’s a great time to be into Solana. Iggy is bringing in the boomers!

However, it is unclear if she can break the Cramer Curse at this stage. At least Jim passes the green line test, unlike Ansem. RIP.


Solana is a chain where dreams come true. Introducing: Midget Martial Arts.

If Solana is too extreme for your taste you can head over to Arbitrum instead! Queue some extremely vanilla memes and shoddy photoshop skills.

We really aren’t sure where it all went wrong.

Hayden doesn’t want you to comment on his sexual orientation, instead just focus on his hairline please.

It’s unsure where the Iggy Azalea train will lead. She seems to be testing a few curses as she dabbles in the space. Maybe Joe McCann isn’t enough of a main character to let history repeat itself. But, what if?

Where is Sam Tabasco?

ZkSync farmers witnessed a mystery of their own as their airdrops were nowhere to be found.

Speaking of airdrops, here’s some art from Bryan Pellegrino.

To Bitcoin mining now. In Norway, the government has announced it isn’t that into the idea of Bitcoin mining.

But over in 'Murica, Trump wants to capitalize and scoop up all of those newly mined coins!

Is Trump the best choice for Bitcoin? Bitcoin Magazine thinks so.

Trump is often referred to as being quite “based”. But how based are you? Luke Dashjr doesn’t like liver.

It’s 2024. You join a divorce Zoom call and the lawyers are amused by your miladys. What a time to be alive.

We finish this up with a reassuring post from Jmo. You might round trip, but remember to enjoy every minute of it.

And that's all for this week! See you next time.

Team Shitcoin.com